2019 Distinguished Alumni Awards Recipients


Catriona (Sweeney) Harris '00

Alumna of the Year

本文作者卡特里奥娜•哈里斯(卡特里奥娜•斯威尼)是公司首席执行官兼联合创始人, 提供全方位服务的公共关系和数字机构. 2011年,她和丈夫迈克(Mike)创办了哗然公关公司. In this role, Catriona oversees the daily operations of the agency and provides the vision for new initiatives and strategies that will drive outstanding results for clients. 

Under Catriona’s direction, Uproar PR has grown to two different locations – Orlando and Chicago with nearly 60 employees and more than 100 clients. The agency has been named in the Inc. 5000, 美国发展最快的公司名单, for the last three consecutive years, 以及《十大网赌平台》2017年和2018年快速50强榜单. Uproar PR was also included in Entrepreneur Magazine’s Top Company Culture list in both 2016 and 2017. 卡特里奥娜在2009年被《十大网赌平台》评为40位40岁以下精英, 2011年和2016年,表彰她对公关行业和当地社区的贡献, 并在2017年被该杂志评为年度首席执行官.

Prior to starting Uproar, Catriona was the vice president of East Coast operations for a San Francisco-based PR firm, 她在哪里帮助公司在不到两年的时间里将客户群和收入增加了两倍. Catriona grew up in Folsom and graduated with a Bachelor of Arts in communications from Saint Mary’s College in 2000. 在圣玛丽大学期间,她是赛艇队的一员,并积极参加KSMC, where she hosted her own radio show.

In her free time, 你可以看到卡特里奥娜在跑半程马拉松, baking with her two daughters, Reilly and Brooke, 或者和她的家人一起探索这个国家,试图征服所有50个州. She also serves on the Board of Trustees for the Orlando Science Center and is on the Executive Board for Making the Difference.


Joe O'Conner '56

Golden Gael Award

Joe O’Connor ’56 is one of four generations of O’Connors and dozens of his wife Jane’s family to attend Saint Mary’s, 首先是乔的父亲,他1916年毕业.

乔担任十大正规网赌平台大使已经60多年了. He has assisted in student recruitment, hosted College receptions at his home, sponsored golf tournaments, and volunteered at auctions, alumni socials, and pre-basketball game parties. Joe was also involved in setting up the first Orange County Scholarship endowment for SMC students, and in 2012, he and Jane provided a gift to help build a new baseball field named after his former baseball coach. 

以表达他对十大正规网赌平台优质教育的赞赏, and for the Christian Brothers’ dedication to their mission and educating the underserved, Joe and his wife Jane recently created a Charitable Remainder Trust valued at more than $1 million to benefit scholarship students from Orange County, California.

他和他的家人多年来一直是学院的坚定支持者, not only donating financially, but with time and talent. 乔体现了真正的喇沙修士精神:进入学习. Leave to Serve.


Angélica Garcia '98, EdD

Signum Fidei Award

Angélica Garcia '98, EdD, 是一位对教育机会问题充满热情的教育领导者吗, equity, and student success in higher education. angsamicica于1998年毕业于十大正规网赌平台,获得文科学士学位 & Civic Studies, earned her Master’s in Social Work at San Diego State University and her doctorate in Educational Leadership at San Francisco State. 在过去的16年里,她的专业经验包括直接支持学生, teaching, 以及非营利组织的管理角色, secondary, and higher education. angsamica是Skyline学院学生服务部的副主席, where she provides leadership and guidance to statewide reform efforts for the California Community Colleges, and also serves on the Executive Board for the Chief Student Services Association and the Latina Leadership Network for the California Community Colleges. 

As an experienced educator, she combines her education and training as a social worker with her research and work in higher education to design and implement evidenced-based programs and services that support the retention and success of all students. angsamicica致力于诚信领导, teaching from a student centered framework, and promotes building collaborative relationships across instructional and student services divisions to meet the needs of students. 

Angélica's tenure at Saint Mary’s included serving as Director of the High Potential Program and in Student Academic Support Services, where she provided leadership and support to the evolving program needs in academic advising. She was one of the founding members of the College Committee on Inclusive Excellence and served as a Resident Director in Mitty Hall.


Mony Nop EE '04

Meritorious Service Award

出生在柬埔寨大屠杀期间的奴隶劳改营, 莫尼和他的家人在他六岁的时候逃走了, walking from Cambodia to Thailand. They lived in multiple refugee camps in Thailand and the Philippines, until they immigrated to the U.S. and resettled in California in 1984.

Overcoming extreme challenges, 他成为了一名警官,在利弗莫尔警察局工作了17年. 2004年在圣玛丽大学获得商学学位后, he retired from the police force to establish a successful real estate office here with Keller Williams in Livermore.   

Mony truly believes in Saint Mary’s motto, “进入学习,离开服务”,并积极参与社区活动.  He is founded the Mony Nop Foundation, focused on youth leadership, 也是三谷非营利联盟的联合创始人, 致力于通过支持当地非营利组织来加强社区. 他最近写了一本儿童读物:警官M.N.O.P和我——警察在执勤和下班时如何服务社会. 

For his community involvement, Mony has been featured on CBS Early Show, ABC Extreme Make Over-Home Edition and awarded the Bay East Association of Realtors’ Good Neighbors Award in 2014, 2017年全国房地产经纪人协会的好邻居奖, and the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Legacy Award in 2018.


Roy Wensley, PhD

Saint John Baptist De La Salle Award

Roy Wensley earned his bachelor degree in Physics at Purdue University and graduate degrees, 伊利诺伊大学物理学硕士和博士学位, Champaign-Urbana. 他自1989年以来一直在十大正规网赌平台工作,自2010年以来一直担任理学院院长.

As a faculty member, 他曾任职于职级和任期委员会, as Chair of the Academic Senate, 是核心课程专责小组的首任主席(联合主席). 1999年至2003年,他担任物理与天文学系系主任. Roy has 30 years of teaching experience, teaching all levels of physics courses, 1月学期教学和学院研讨会教学. 他的奖学金得到了三项美国国家科学基金的资助. He is currently the principal investigator on a US Education Department grant funded through the Hispanic Serving Institutions Federal Title III Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics and Articulation Program.


Shubhi Badjatiya '17

Emerging Leader Award

Shubhi Badjatiya graduated from Saint Mary’s in 2017 with a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration and Concentration in Finance. Throughout her college experience, Shubhi was deeply committed to supplementing her theoretical education with practical experiences. Shubhi在三年的时间里完成了五次实习, 这让她在2016年获得了旧金山金融女性奖学金, 专为表现出杰出领导才能的女性设立的奖学金, humility, 并推动在金融领域的职业发展. Shubhi was chosen to be a Guyette Leadership Fellow where she served as the cohort’s President in her fourth year of college.

她承诺的很大一部分还包括她在CILSA的工作. Shubhi served as a SALT leader, ELF, and participated in the SLICE program for her senior thesis. Her senior thesis was focused on building personal finance curriculums for Monument Crisis Center, 写过《十大网赌平台》和《十大正规网赌平台》.

Shubhi毕业后仍然致力于服务. Shubhi是研究生社会影响委员会的联合主席, which empowers young professionals to volunteer for San Francisco based organizations and serves on two non-profit boards: Summer Search and Financial Women of San Francisco.

Athletics Hall of Fame

Louella Tomlinson '11

Louella Tomlinson’s name not only fills the Saint Mary’s record book, but the NCAA’s as well. The two-time West Coast Conference Defender of the Year finished her career as the NCAA’s all-time leader in blocks, triple-doubles, 并且仍然是场均盖帽的领跑者. 她毕业时也是全校分数记录保持者,840), field goals (686), games started (124), and rebounds (1,122).

在大一的时候,她就成为了这个项目有史以来的拦网冠军. 一路上,汤姆林森被选为全wcc的表演者三次.

在她取得大学水平的优异成绩之后, 汤姆林森在她的祖国澳大利亚开始了她的职业生涯. Following a season home, 汤姆林森带着她的才华到欧洲去了几个赛季, 体验一些顶级的职业篮球比赛. 她在前三个职业赛季中获得了两次联赛冠军, 2012年获得澳大利亚WNBL冠军,2014年获得匈牙利联赛冠军. 目前,汤姆林森回到澳大利亚,为WNBL的本迪戈精神队效力.


Trevor Newquist '13

Trevor Newquist graduated as one of the most successful student-athletes in the history of the men’s soccer program. 他是学校第一个西海岸会议冠军球队的成员, 带领盖尔队两次参加NCAA锦标赛, 并以40胜25负16负的战绩成为球队历史上获胜最多的一员.

纽奎斯特于2009年来到这里,并立即产生了影响. He was named to the WCC All-Freshman team and the team received its first ever NCAA Tournament berth. Two years later, Newquist was the anchor to a Gael defense that won its first WCC championship and made an incredible run to the National Quarterfinals. He capped his career at Saint Mary’s by earning the WCC Defensive Player of the Year and NSCAA All-Far West Region First Team honors.

Not just a great defender, 纽奎斯特在记录册上仍然很突出,得分排在前十, goals, assists, game-winning goals, and matches played. 

The San Diego native graduated in 2013 with a bachelor’s degree in kinesiology and recently completed his master’s degree, also from Saint Mary’s, in sport management.